October In Avery's Garden, Day 2: Your Name Gives Me...


Avery, his name means so much to me. Thinking of my sweet little boy and all the lessons he has taught me from the stars, just makes my heart sing. This is what I feel about his name:



A stands for an Ability to use Art to help heal both myself and others.


V stands for a Vulnerability I am willing to channel to help Voice my grief. Being a Voice helps me connect with other families that know this journey and can walk beside me.


E stands for the Energy it takes to keep going even when I may want to quit. Avery gives me the Encouragement I need to Emerge from my old self and develop into a better self.


stands for the Reassurance that my angel is still with me. I must always Remember Avery for all the joy he Radiated through my life.


Y stands for You! Without Avery, I would have never met You and Your beautiful families willing to be by my side.

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